Welcome to Weird Providence
Lovecraft Arts & Sciences
Arcade Providence
65 Weybosset St. #105, Providence, RI 02903
Monday – Saturday: 11am-6pm
Sunday: Noon-5pm
We are grateful for your support!
The Lovecraft Arts & Sciences Council invites you to discover various odd events, peculiar activities, strange sites, and unusual destinations in and around our old city of Providence, Rhode Island. Here, you'll learn about such things, in particular those related to Providence's own master of Weird tales, author Howard Phillips Lovecraft. H. P. Lovecraft's fame now reaches around the globe and brings visitors to Providence daily as they pilgrimage to the birthplace of Weird.
Click on the ABOUT link above to learn more. Click on the STORE link above to purchase curious goods related to Lovecraft, NecronomiCon Providence, and other fine weirdness. And visit our EVENTS page for a calendar of local happenings. Please check back often for updates as we populate these pages.
Click on the ABOUT link above to learn more. Click on the STORE link above to purchase curious goods related to Lovecraft, NecronomiCon Providence, and other fine weirdness. And visit our EVENTS page for a calendar of local happenings. Please check back often for updates as we populate these pages.